
Would you like to be a part of our project of the heart? Then donate today and provide our children in Tanzania with a lovely home. Whether it be a convenient online donation or a conventional money transfer, every donation is welcome.



Sparkasse Allgäu 

IBAN: DE50 7335 0000 0514 5315 16



UBS St. Gallen

IBAN: CH59 0025 4254 7070 5040 W



You can also directly donate to our partner organization “Bassari Community Empowerment & Development” in Tanzania. However, here we cannot issue you any tax receipt (donation receipt) that will be recognized by German financial institutions.

Name of payment recipient: Bassari Community Empowerment & Development.

Address of payment recipient: P.O. Box 200, USA River / Arusha, Tanzania

Credit institute: Bank of Africa Tanzania

Address of credit institute: Ohio Street / Kivukoni Front , P.O. Box 3054, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania


Account number EURO: 03793150025

Account number TSH: 03793150000

Account number US Dollar: 03793150013 

Tax receipt (donation receipt)

Donations to the Bassari Union are eligible to tax refunds according to § 10 b par.. 1 EStG (Income Tax Act).

As long as you provide your current address, you will receive a tax receipt within six weeks of your donation. For regular donations (e.g. sponsorship) you will receive a tax receipt, which will contain all your donations summarized at the beginning of the next year. If you have made your donation through the form of, will send you a donation receipt.

For donations of up to 200 € (small donations) no tax receipt is required by the institutions – a so called donation proof (§ 50 par. 2 Nr. 2 letter b EStDV (German Income Tax Act Enforcement Order)) is enough. Also, you can send the payment receipt with our simplified donation proof directly to the financial authorities. You can download the required document here

If we are not familiar with your address, please send it to us via E-mail.